Nigel Roder

Nigel Roder, (born 1967), also known professionally as Kester the Jester, was designated the official State Jester of England in 2004. The prior jester of record, Muckle John, vacated the position shortly after his employer, King Charles I of England, was beheaded in 1649.

Roder was appointed by English Heritage after winning a jesting competition. Subsequently the Guild of Jesters complained through their spokesman, Jonathan the Jester, that English Heritage should not be allowed to use the title of State Jester. Several guild members also wrote to their MPs. After the question was raised in Parliament, Kester's title was amended to 'English Heritage Jester' a role that was later taken over by 'Peterkin the Fool' (again after a controversial competition). The position was subsequently abandoned by the state.

Nigel Roder is currently working throughout the United Kingdom as an entertainer both in his jester role and as a teacher of circus skills workshops.

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